Thursday, January 5, 2012



Il faisait du vent aujourd'hui! Like seriously, it was windy as shit today. Otherwise it didn't feel THAT cold but the wind sure made up for it.

Another light day in the sense that nothing much was scheduled. I dropped by the international office just to make sure I didn't have to do anything for the insurance stuff they require non-EU students to purchase. West Point had taken care of everything. However, I would need a French bank account...

DONC, I went to Societe Generale to open a bank account. Unfortunately, finance n'est pas un sujet in any of our French classes. So we struggled through what I needed to do in broken English and a little French. If all my money is gone tomorrow- the French have it. I considered joining one of the Moroccan banks just so I could tell people I had a bank account in Morocco. Sounds kind of illegals and badass and all...

Afterwards I met Marcus for lunch and we had sandwiches across the street from the university. We then had a information brief that took all of 3 hours. Included was a culture brief that was pretty much blow-for-blow what CLCRS told us before we left. They even had les étages de le choc culturel graph that had been briefed us.

The most interesting part was just everybody introducing themselves. There were a decent number of Americans and probably more Canadians. Also, some people from the Asian countries, a girl I met from Norway, two people from Slovakia, and a few other countries.

Then I came home. Hopefully dinner is soon.

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