Saturday, January 14, 2012

Finally, a good run

There are many things I could talk about for the past few days. Classes, going out in the evenings, what I randomly do during the day, how much I LOVE KEBABS- BUT I'm just going to talk about my run instead.


I went out for my run today knowing that I wanted to do something farther than my previous attempts. SO, with a sort of general plan in mind I headed out and headed over towards Lambersart (Google maps- use it).

Crossing the river into Lambersart I ended up on Avenue de l'Hippodrome. It's a pretty neat little street that's very aesthetically pleasing I found. I followed the Avenue all the way to the end and ended up crossing over Rocade Nord-Ouest. I kept on Rue Gustave Eiffel/Rue de Lambersart for a little bit after that.

By this time I was getting out into the farming areas just outside the metropolitan area. I went as far as I could with what resembled a walkway next to the road but eventually arrived to a point where I decided not to continue. Looking at google maps I will probably just brave the shoulder next time if I want to go farther.

BUT I turned around and headed back in. However instead of heading back the way I came I cut in towards Lambersart Centre and turned onto Rue de Verlinghem.

My decision paid off because I ended up passing by a cemetery. Upon further inspection it turned out to be a cemetery for German soldiers from World War I. I stopped my run at this point (~35 minutes) to take a quick look. Over 5000 German soldiers were buried there. I always find war cemetery's like that very powerful and somber at the same time.

Continuing on I kept running through Lambersart. I reconstructed what I THINK I did on my run route. I ended up coming out again at Av. de l'Hippodrome and ran down that aways before turning off on Avenue du Maréchal Foch. At this point things become hazy on what exactly I did but I sort of scurried through Lambersart trying to find a good route back in Lille Centre. I eventually found my way back across the river and into Lille proper.

I came into Lille and found myself on Rue Royale. I ran by a large church which I will return to inspect tomorrow or at a later date. One of the street signs also denoted that I was near the birthplace of General Charles de Gaulle. I will most definitely have to go take a look at that in the near future as well.

However, I continued on Royale into Vieux Lille and eventually came out on Bd de la Liberté and headed home. Was an awesome time and I got to see a lot of new places.

Of course, this was only a tune-up for my grand scheme. I think in the next couple of months when the weather's nice and I'm feeling particularly good I'm going to RUN TO BELGIUM. Seriously. The border is only like 8-9 miles away and I think it'd be pretty cool to run to the border and cross over before coming back.

And then I found five Euros. Not really, but I'm amazed if you read this far.

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