Thursday, January 26, 2012


I had the epiphany yesterday that all I really do on this blog is bitch about my classes so I thought I would go into some details:

connaisances des civilisations- This is an Arab-Islamic Civilization Class. It's really interesting actually. So far we've discusses the Prophet Mohammed, the Four Caliphs and the founding of the Omayyad Empire under Muawiya I.

French History for international students- Pretty self-explanitory. It's pretty easy since we're all foreign he uses pretty simple sentences and speaks at an understandable pace. We're currently in the Middle Ages and just learned about Philip II and the Third Crusade

Geographie de la Maghreb- Pretty self-explanatory. We're studying Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia mostly. Pretty interesting class.

Histoire contemporaire- WORST CLASS EVER. We are learning about the economic development of France from 1870-1940. I don't understand anything as oftentimes the class uses industrial terms that I just don't know. That and the class is FOUR HOURS LONG.

Français- that's all it's called but this is a basic French Lit. course. I don't mind it so much but it's hard to read the really long passages and understand what their basic meaning is, much less do an in-depth analysis.

Thème- A French -> English translation course. Good for a couple of reasons. One being that Mme. Bray speaks a lovely form of the Queen's English during the class... i.e. I understand every word she says.

French for international students- Have only had this class once so far, but it seems very very simple.

Geography of France for international students- This class hasn't actually started yet but it will commence next Friday (ugh). Should be interesting/easy. Go Dirt!


  1. I'm curious: how do credit hours work in France? And (to the best of your knowledge) are they similar to civilian colleges in terms of informality?

  2. I don't think so. They use ECTS (European something I'm sure...) but West Point has us count by hours of class per week (18 overall for me right now). According to the inbrief we got at orientation academics here are considered a little more formal than in the States I think but that always depends on the instructor of course.

  3. Add more French. I still read your blog. No homo

  4. Also why the hell is this blog in West Coast time...
